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Monday, January 25, 2016

Mt. Gulugod Baboy

First hike for this Year 2016!!!

Mt. Gulugod Baboy located at Anilao Batangas. I woke up in the morning at 2:30am prepared everything. Started commuting at 3:10am and i reached buendia at 4:20am It took me 30mins to take a jeepney going to buendia.

We had our breakfast and took our bus ride going to Batangas. 7:08am we reached Batangas Grand Central do our personal necessities before we ride a jeepney via Mabini.

Arrived at the jump off at 8:50am and registered we start to ascend at 9:00am. The trail was easy and its not like the other Mountain we hike, but still it was fun because it was the first hike for the year and looking for more mountian to hike.

Registration Area

Start Ascending

Starting Ascending

First House to have your refreshing :)
Second House and your close to summit

Third House was the sign that you are getting close to the summit!!

This is the First View when you surpass the Third House 
At 10:50 we reached the summit and stay for an hour and had our lunch and we enjoyed the view sitting laying down in the grass i love the cool wind.

Rest under the Tree. 

So close!!

Team Bucket!!

approaching Gulugod Baboy Summit! 

Yay! Finally Summit :)

Where can your feet take you.

Flying without Wings

Team Bucket!

Team Bucket first hike 2016!

All right :)

Time to Go!!

Having fun under the heat of the sun :)

Team Bucket :)

At 12:00 pm we started descending because it is getting hot! and we don not want to go home late.

Start Descending 

The popular tree in Mt. Gulugod Baboy

You, Me and Us.

All Right :)

At 1:20 finally we reached are Jump off and of course picture picture. Before finally going home we there are house that you can rent for Shower for Php 25.

Conquered Mt. Gulugod Baboy!

It was a great start for this year 2016 and looking for more more more mountain to hike, and will keep you posted.

2:30am Wake up call
3:10am Start commuting 
4:20am Arrived buendia
5:30am Bus going to Batangas
7:08am Arrived Batangas Grand Central
7:15am Jeepney Mabini Batangas
8:50am Registration 
9:00am Start Ascending
10:50am Reached Summit
12:00noon Start Descending
1:20pm Reached Jump Off
2:15pm Tricycle going to Crossing
2:30pm Jeepney going to Diversion
3:20pm Reached Diversion
3:25pm Tricycle going to Terminal
4:08pm Bus ride going to Buendia
6:00pm Rached Buendia Station
6:35pm Reached Home

Jeepney going to Buendia Php 16
Bus going to Grand Central Php 125
Food Php 223
Water 1L Php 30
Jeepney Mabini Php 80
Registration Fee Php 35
Shower Php 25
Tricycle going to crossing Php 40
Crossing to Diversion Php 30
Tricycle going to terminal Php 10
Bus fee Php 125

Total Expenses- Php 739 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mt. Gulugod Pugad Baboy

See you soon Mt. Gulugod Pugad Baboy 

January 17, 2015 

Day Hike, First Hike for this year

credits to the owner of this picture Travelling cup 

will keep you posted !!!

Puerto Princesa and El Nido Palawan

Palawan most Filipino think "El Nido Palawan"  is expensive and can't afford to travel. That was my impression of Palawan before but i will tell you its not what other think.

Base on my experience we bought our ticket last June via PAL  for as low as  Php 1,700 for  two way.  Just watch out for seat sale or promo in Cebu pacific, Air Asia and PAL.  To save some money.

October we started looking for a transient house where to stay and we found a cheap and great accommodation.

Tay Miloy Inn we negotiated a room with own CR and Air conditioned for Php 600 per night. And looking at his Facebookpage Tay Miloy's Inn we saw that he has also offer Tour Package and Van Hire and Tour Package.

We got Tay Miloy's Tour Package Tour A Php 1,200 per pax, Tour C Php 1,400 per pax and PPUR Php 1,300 per pax.

And for Van Transfer Php 1,000 two way.

We also Got a Hotel in PPC for Php 592.98 booked a room thru Travel Book.

And paid for Php 2,000 for down payment a week before our Travel.

We went to 168 mall and bought Outfit Highwaist short Php 300 and Blackcroptop Php 100 Chic-abooti in SM Manila. 

Saturday the day before our trip to Palawan bought some foods, in Korean Grocery Store near Robinson manila Php 100 for 2 almonds i got 4pcs for Php 200.

DAY 1 - Nov. 29,2015 

Sunday Nov. 29 at 10am start to commute, took LRT going to Edsa and meet my friend. From Edsa we took taxi going to NAIA Terminal 3 for Php 80.

At 11:30am we checked in and eat lunch Php 79. At 12:30pm we go to boarding area waited for 1pm for bording but flight was delayed.


We board the plane at 1:15pm and waited until 2:30pm to have clearance for take off. Reached Puerto Princesa at 4pm, we tooked a tricycle to rent, for PPC City Tour for Php 300.

Kua Boyet was the one who tour us in PPC with his Tricycle.

Kua Boyet our Tour guide PPC :) 


Butterfly Garden  First stop Butterfly Garden Entrance Fee Php 50 palawan butterfly ecological garden and tribal village.

Tribal Village
First time to Hold Snake! :)
 Fear Conquered

Mitra's Ranch Second stop you can see a horse you can ride for free and if you want to take picture you just need to pay the owner of the horse and he will take your pictures Php 50 you can see a good view and the fresh cool air its awesome.



Baker’s Hill  they are selling a Hopia 1 box for Php 50 you will see a playground and a good garden you can also see some birds in the cage. 

and at 5:30 we reached Robinson for van pick up but it took us 6:30pm waiting for van to pick us up.

Night road trip going to Elnido was fun with some foreign Girls and Boys And Filipinos too it was smooth ride First Stop Roxas at 10:30pm, had some snack i got Nestea for Php 35.

Second Stop Taytay 11:30pm some road was not that good but still I enjoyed it. We finally reached Elnido at 12pm.

From terminal rode a tricycle going to Tay Miloy Inn Php 50, 10mins we reached the house and clean then sleep in fan room w/ sharing CR. Because the room we supposed to sleep still have guest who will be checking out the other day. So choose to stay in fan room Php 500 per night. 

DAY 2 - Nov. 30, 2015

At 6am we woke up and had some walked going to front beach. The blew of the wind and sound of the waves was relaxing, just want to stay long for walk but we need to prepare our self for breakfast and get ready for Island Hopping at 8am the tour guide called us and showed the way to the boat we going to use. And the adventure start when the boat sailed.

Tour C

Our first stop Miniloc Shrine it was a good start there was an old shrine and you will hike a stone not that high. Were given a chance to took our photos in the beautiful background. 

Our second stop Star Beach the boat stop in a shallow but there were sea urchins and i felt like there were butterfly in my stomach, I asked the tour guide to help me go to the shore and i made it safe, thanks for the help kua. While the lunch was being prepared we took our chance to took some photos and snorkeling.

After our lunch we headed to our Third stop the Hidden Beach we fall in line and the tour guide pulled us going inside the Hidden Beach. It was amazing I don't want to leave but we just have a mins to stay and took photos so the other also will also get inside and see the beauty of hidden beach.

And our Fourth Stop Secret Beach again the tour guide made us fall in line and pulled us going to the shallow water and there we start to walked and start snorkeling we saw nemo in shallow water it was so cute. 

The Fifth Stop The Helicopter Island there were big waves and we can't swim that much so we just took photos and you can also lay down and rest do a sunbathing.

And the Sixth Stop Cadlao Lagoon it was a bonus Island for us. the sunset was so nice while relaxing in the boat and taking photos it was a good tour I ever had.

New Friends :)

At 6pm we reached Elnido and wash up and eat for dinner at Art Cafe one of the well known Restaurant own by a foreign. She was assisting the guest going to there table and good she can also speak Tagalog.

At 11pm we planned to go for a drink in a bar beach front but it was close.  It was not what i expect like in boracay but still it was a great night. While in our room we decided to stay in Elnido and canceled our PPUR  and the money got refund and we add for Php 500 for extra night.

DAY 3 - Dec. 1, 2015

Tour A

Woke up at 7am and get ready for breakfast and wait for our tour guide. It was a great day and we have new companion who were all good and happy girls from Pampanga and one couple foreign.

Our First Stop Small Lagoon we rented kayak and it was funny though, I thought i know how to use it but it was funny that our kayak was going in different places always dumped in the rocks. So I decided to swim going inside and my friend used the kayak and when she already know how to drive it. That's the time I get in the kayak and let her paddled alone hahaha. And I'm the one who took photos of us it was a funny experience.

Our Second Stop Shimizu Island  we went at the back of Shimizu Island it was wavy that's why our guide brought us at the back and we enjoyed swimming while they prepared for our food. We eat our lunch in the boat and it was a good lunch.

Our Third Stop Secret Lagoon it was great and I forgot that I put my glasses on my head and when I noticed that I felt strange because I can't see clear, I looked for my glasses and asked for help from tour guides to look for my eye glasses and happily they found it and was thankful.  I learned one thing that day never leave your eye glasses unattended hahaha.

Our Fourth Stop Big Lagoon we don't need to use kayak and our boat get inside and tour around and we rest and toke some photos and swim it has great lime stones.

Fifth Stop 7th Commando Island we took our time swimming and toke photos and take a good rest before we finally got back to elnido, many are sleeping in the sand and sunbathing and there is bar you can buy for drinks while sunbathing.

At 6pm we arrived the house and wash up and had our dinner in sea slug I was mesmerized by big shrimps we took 1/4 of it it cost Php 300 butter shrimp it was good and I got 3 Beer, eating near in sea side and looking at the stars hearing the waves it was a very great night.

DAY 4 - Dec 2, 2015

In the morning we woke up at 6am and prepared all things and 8am our Van pick up us in front of Tay Miloy Inn and 1st stop the other took time to attend our personal necessities and next stop Roxas we eat our lunch and at 3pm we reached PPC.

The Van droped us in Pasalubong Area, we bought some pasalubong and 4pm we took a Tricycle going to the Air Port for Php 10  and we checked in and paid for Terminal Fee Php 200.

Our flight is 6pm but the aircraft didn't arrive yet, and we waited for another 1 hour to board. The Airplane and we reached manila at 8;30pm and waited for long line to get a taxi but we decided to go at the other side,  there were shuttle bus Php 20 and finally were out of the airport and I reached home at 11:30pm it was a long day and traffic.

It was a long great and beautiful vacation and hope to be back in Elnido :) 

Palawan breakdown expenses

Ticket - Php 1700
Taxi going to Airport - Php 80÷2 =  40
Lunch - Php 79
Tricycle PPC Tour - Php 300÷2 = 150
Van transfer - Php 1000
Terminal fee - Php 200
Pasalubong - Php 1100
Hopia - Php 50/2 = 25
Shuttle Bus - Php 20
Burger - Php 49
Taxi Edsa - Php 145
Bottled drink - Php 70
Sea Slug Restaurant - Php 1/4 300÷2 = 150
Art Cafe - Php 700÷2 = 350
Breakfast- Php 45
Tricycle going to Tay Miloy Inn - Php 50
Tour A - Php 1200
Tour C - Php 1400
PPC Hotel - Php 592.98÷2 = 296.49
Envi. Fee - Php 400÷2 = 200
Accomodation 3nights - Php 1500÷2 = 750
Tricycle going to PPC Airport - Php 10

Total -  Php 9029.49

Tay Miloy Inn 
Contact no09287034430, 09394697192