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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mt. Maculot March 15, 2015

Mt. Maculot 

March 15, 2015

Its 4:30Am when we met at  Jollibee Tayuman, bought our breakfast and rode a train going to Buendia station. After reaching the LRT we went straight to DLTB Bus station bound to Batangas. 
And ate our breakfast at the bus.

At 5:00AM the bus left Buendia. We arrived at 8:30AM at Brgy. Cuenca, Batangas, there was a  small market you can buy your food over there if you don't have any. 

We chose to walk going to the Barangay Outpost than to ride a tricycle, it's our form of stretching and preparing our self for the hike. When we reached the Barangay Outpost Registration  fee Php 20.00, we saw the tour guides lining up waiting for their turn to company a group of hikers.
Guide Fee Php 400.00 for 4 persons.

Mt. Maculot has imposed a policy for the hikers to have a tour guide, because of one incident about Victor Ayson death in Mt. Maculot.

Our tour guide name "POGI", we walk from registration site to jump off, A short prayer for guidance before we start trekking. We thought at first is just easy we were still laughing, telling stories while walking, and we noticed that when were approaching the way which is sandy with rocks that made us feel hard to climb, the sand is like "gumu-guho when you step on it" we really had to hold on something like grass and trees.

Picture while trekking 

There were area where you can rest and if you like to they are also selling Buko Juice for Php 10:00.
Everyone where catching our breath while trekking, its to hot and " Pataas lahat ng way" when will it end hahahaha... nag rereklamona :D

Me and Veng  picture during while resting :D

The two where with kua Pogi while me and joy continue our trekking, really   eager to see what's on the next area view. While waiting for my two friends and our guide, we take rest and drank Buko Juice.

Waiting for them while resting picture picture

We are getting closer and closer when we reached the area that we can see the view of Taal Lake our tour guide told us we are near in the camping site where we take our lunch and rest for a bit before going to the peek. 

 Taal Lake Side View :)

Getting closer :D

Team Bucket with Ardee  :D 

Solo picture with my monopod  :D 

We reach the campsite at 12:15PM we had our lunch first, and rest before finally going to the pick, there is a store there where you can buy drinks and mineral water. When we ask how much is there one liter of coke its Php 300.00 and where shocked about it and we asked how much is the mineral water they told us its Php 45.00 pesos the small bottled water. " Grabe!!! ang Mahal " 

Waiting for our turn :)

Excited for Our turn, more careful going down. while climbing the big rocks it made me more excited to reach on top. 

We make it to the top :D 

Picture taking whiile waiting for our turn  

 Summer lovin  :D 

Joy and Me Enjoying the View

Peace be with you :)

Waiting under the heat of the sun with our tour guide the one wearing blue t-shirt Kua Pogi

Selfie with Joy :)

It's now our turn excited :) 

I'm walking on sunshine ohhhh ...

Chubby girls :)

Team Bucket 

Team Bucket 

Happy shalala... smile :)

We stayed in the peek for almost half an hour waiting for others to be done with there picture taking, it's still happy even its hot we waited for our turn, good air, awesome view from the top, love mother nature so much ("(^_^)") put your hands up in the air guys and appreciate the beauty.

Thanks for this shot Tour Guide.

We stayed on the top 45 mins. taking pictures, relaxing while enjoying the view. It's really happy we conquered Mt. Maculot. It's rice to see things from the peak of the mountain while enjoying chatting and laughing.

"Ever since I met you Baby,
no one else is worth thinking about  " 

I Love You Baby Tom! :)

Before descent I take a picture for my Baby " Ever since I met you Baby,  no one else is worth thinking about"  I Love doing this for you Baby. 

Descent from the peak :) 

Joy and Veng :) 

Descent from the peak was always the easy way, because its all going down we all need to do was just control our steps. 

While we're on the middle part going down, one of our friend got "muscle cramps" and good thing that I brought with me a salt we put it on his water, he needs to drink more water with salt, to prevent cramps.

Smiling face even he had muscle cramps :)

The other tour guide also told our tour guide. when our friend can't take it anymore our tour guide will call for help just text the rescue team. 

We slowdown descent for his muscles not to be forced, and he finally make it to the jump off :) brave man.  

From jump off  there  were Lola and Lolo who selling Halo Halo, for refreshment and take some rest before we went to the place where you can clean up and take shower. 

Lomi Sarap :) 

While the other are taking the shower We ordered Lomi and it taste good love that lomi Php 50.00
rest for a bit, We rode a tricycle going to the Barangay Out Post to get the I.D and pay for our Tour Guide Php 400. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Team Bucket Mt. Batulao February 19, 2015

Mt. Batulao February 19, 2015 

It's nice to be back :)
Team Bucket is back....

Mt. Batulao February 19, 2015. It's Chinese New Year Holiday from work, we grabbed the opportunity to hike.   

At 4:00 am we met at Tayuman Jollibee  going to Buendia Bus Station. 

Look for sign board Nasugbu-Lemery Batangas, and we inform the conductor Mt. Batulao.
At 7:00AM  they drop us in Ever Crest Golf Course from the moment we touchdown Ever Crest I felt the cool breeze of air. 

wahhhh.... it's really good in the feeling a bit cold and from there we've seen a house pay toilet for Php 5.00. We eat our breakfast in the Karinderia before start to go in jump off. 

We rode tricycle going to jump off it cost us Php 25.00 per person. When we reached the jump off there are kids offering being a tour guide and selling a stick that you can use when hiking.

We bought two sticks one for Joy and one for Veronica its Php 25.00 pesos each.

Before trek we had a short Prayer.

Ready for the trek at the jump off

Guiller, Joy, Veng and Me fresh from the start hahaha.

picture...picture while walking but careful because the path is to small and side by side is the cliff.

The couple walking in the isle haha :)

Every house we passed by they are selling Buko Juice which is affordable Php 10 pesos

First stop "bili na po kayo ng buko juice ." :)

walk..... walk..... until we reached the second house where we take rest for a bit.

Finally station 1 here :) 

The tree beautiful ladies
pag bigyan nyo na kami!!!

Smile can make you younger :) 

Team Bucket :)

Resume hiking.,,, expect more thirst quencher buko juice..... in every house we passed by.
It's always good to talk have some laugh while walking even when you were talking is behind you hahaha... I did enjoy this hike.. no big rocks to climb its just a smooth.

It's like "Gulong ng palad, Minsan nasa taas minsan nasa baba" wahhh may pinag huhugutang malamin... 

See That that's the one I'm pertaining to you guys like "gulong ng palad ":)

Seeing Mt. Batulao made me excited, I like this Mountain you can see the tall grass where so green and when the winds blew wahhhhh ang saya sarap tignan I feel like I'm in paradise with these beautiful grass being blown by the winds made them sway.....

rest..... rest... need more strength :)

Were getting close.. that part of mountain makes our bone chilled ...

This time we are serious no picture taking in this site because its too dangerous we have to face the wall and we had rappelling, always be careful, other told us to be slowly but surely and we did it. we knock it down the "face the wall"

Crawl like a baby hahaha.  

In this area there is a rock need to be slowly but surely, any mistake step you make will make your life in danger...

Credits for this photo Ms. Joy 

Thanks for those shots Joy

Wahh can you see that guys? that's where the hard part in Mt. Batulao challenging. after that congratulations You are close to the summit :)

Team Bucket at the summit :) 

The summit is not that big so we just stay at-least 30 mins. and just take rest and enjoying the view. 
Feeling complete after all the hard work and challenges we faced before reaching the summit. 

Jump shot :D :D :D

Only me

The budda jump shot
 hahahaha :D 

This is how it looks like when you on the summit. how lovely your dwelling place O' Lord. 

Crazy Jump shot  Joy, Veng, and Me :D 

My friends were teasing me and looking at me. wahhhh :D I have banner again for my baby Tom.

This is for my Baby Tom hope you like it Baby you will always be with me, wherever I go.

Relationship is not about AGE.
Not about DISTANCE .
Not about communicating each other everyday.
What important most is: TRUST & LOYALTY ..
The Trust of Girl to her Man,
 the LOYALTY of Man to his Girl.. 

The Old Trail

At 1:00pm  we decide to go down. from new to old trail so we went down using the old trail which is easy. near the peak there is rappelling going down, we waited the others to go down first. It took us maybe 30 mins waiting for our turn, there is only one rope you can use going down and going up.

The sky turn gray the blow of the winds is cold. 

Old trail excited to see what's on this trail. 

Joy doing the rappelling :)

There if thick fog when the rain start falling.

After the rain the fog was gone too. and we continue descending we're careful because the soil and rocks are slippery.

I'm ahead of them so i decided to take picture :D 

You so far and yet you so close :D ano daw??? :D hahaha 

Prenup Picture of Joy and Guiller Mt. Batulao hahaha :D 

We had our lunch break, on our way we saw a house where we can take launch and rest before continuing our walk.

Getting Closer

Old trail is the easiest way than the new trail, its good that we experience both trail and we saw what was on this both trail. It took us 3 hours and 30 mins going down and reach the jump off from there, we rode tricycle to Ever Crest Golf Course. We cleaned , there were house across the street you can rent there rest room just pay Php 25. from there you can also see bus passing by.

Here is our Itinerary

Day Hike: February 19, 2015

04:00 AM LRT Tayuman meet up
05:00 AM Buendia Station
07:00 AM Ever Crest Golf Course
08:00 AM Rent Tricyle going to Jump off  Start trekking
09:45 AM First Registration
12:30 PM  Summit
01:00 PM Descend from summit
03:30 PM Reach jump off


below is our budget for Mt. Batulao trip:

P 20.00  LRT Buendia
P 114:00 Bus Fare (Buendia to Evercrest)
P 35.00  Break fast
P 05.00 Pay Toilet
P 25.00 Tricycle  (Evercrest to Jump off )
P 25.00 Stick
P 25.00 Buko Juice
P 25.00 Registration New trail
P 25.00 Registration Old trail
P 25.00 Tricycle (Jump off to Evercrest)
P 25.00 Body cleaning before going home
P 114.00 Bus Fare (Evercrest to Buendia)

P 463 Total 

Hope you enjoy reading :)